Thursday, February 12, 2009

Prayers and positive thoughts for Chaz!

We found out earlier today that 3 of the babies in the NICU have come down with NEC (necrotizing enterocolitis). It is an infection of the intestines. One has been sent to primary childrens to have surgery it was so severe. The two others have been put on antibiotics and they seem to have caught it early.

The worst part is that the 3 that have it were in the same nursing unit as Chaz. Chaz is the only one that was in that unit that does not have it. All of the other babies (the ones that were not in that unit) have been moved to a whole different section of the NICU. Chaz has to stay in the area with the two that do have it just in case. They have ran tests and so far have found no evidence that links the 3 cases to each other which means it was most likely not something transfered from one baby to another, just a coincedence (sp?) that those 3 got it at the same time. But they are keeping Chaz in that area just incase they find something that does link the 3 cases because they don't want to expose the other "healthy" babies.

The part that upsets me the most is that they knew about this last night when we went to his evening feeding and they didn't tell us. We knew something was up because they were moving all of the babies and cleaning the whole area from top to bottom. We asked but we were told the babies were being moved due to staffing issues. The regular pedi (the one that has been there since Chaz was born was the on call pedi not the regular pedi) was there this morning and explained everything to us. I feel a bit better because he seems very sincere in keeping us updated and answering any questions we have, where as the other pedi was trying to hide things from us.

We had some tests ran on Chaz and so far everything seems fine. He has no signs of the infection and all his tests and x-rays came back clean. Please say a little prayer or keep him in your thoughts that he stay infection free and he can get the hell out of that joint soon. :) I have been an absolute mess today. Not only do I want my baby home where he belongs but I can't eat or sleep knowing that my babe could get this infection.

In other news he is eating WONDERFULLY! :) At his last 4 feedings he has eaten 35 to 40 (they upped his minimum to 35) all on his own and hasnt needed to be fed through the tube. I hope he keeps it up and is released soon.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Our little man is here! Surprise!

Chaz Christopher was born February 7, 2009 at 10:01AM, 5 weeks and 2 days early!

He is just a little guy at 4lbs 9oz and 17inches long.

Our little champ is still in the NICU but we are hoping not for much longer. He is maintaining his temp. perfectly and breathing on his own. The pedi would like to see him eat 30 cc's every 3 hours. He can usually take about 20 on his own and then tires out. Whatever is left of the 30 is then tube fed to him. As soon has he is able to take the full 30 on his own he should be good to come home.

Keep our little guy in your thoughts and prayers. We can't wait till he gets to come home with his mommy and daddy!

He truly is perfect in every way! Brett and I are both so in love it is unbelievable.

I will try to post a birth story soon and update with more info and pictures. Thanks for every ones support!